The famous squared cheese has a thin and pinkish-colored rind with a soft,
creamy and compact texture.
The paste colour is between white and yellowish,
softer/creamier under the rind and somewhat crumblier towards the centre
of the cheese.
Its flavour is essentially sweet with some very slight sour notes.
Taleggio PDO is a washed-rind cheese.
What means washed-rind? it means that the cheese surfaces are carried
out spongings and washings with brines to eliminate unwanted mould and
to grow 'good' bacteria to give rise to the typical aromas of this cheese.
Taleggio is a centripetal ripening cheese, that is, from the rind towards
the centre.
Taleggio is a parallelepiped shaped cheese with side of 18-20 cm and about 4-7 cm, which weight is between 1,7 to 2,2 kg.
Caseificio Taddei - Fornovo San Giovanni (BG)
This is the link of Consortium of Taleggio PDO cheese
26% of Taleggio production is the export share, of which 64 % in EU countries and 36 % in Extra EU countries.