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Provolone Valpadana PDO
Provolone Valpadana P.D.O.


Provolone Valpadana is a stringy semi-hard cheese produced in two types: "Dolce" (sweet) and "Piccante" (piquant).

The Provolone Valpadana PDO is the result of a combination of the southern tradition of 'pasta filata' and the cheese-making traditions of northern Italy beginning since mid 19th century and better develop and improved after the Unification of Italy (1861), thanks to the immigration of many producers from the south of Italy (especially from Campania region).
The name "Provolone" means a big "provola": provola another stringy cheese from South of Italy

How is it made?

The milk, put in vat, can be heated up to pasteurisation temperature for Provolone Valpadana "Dolce" ("Mild") or "Piccante" (piccante=spicy) too until shapes no more than 6 kg.
While milk can be thermised only for big shapes of more than 6 kg. of spicy type.
Then a natural whey starter culture is added: the starter with the right bacterial amount it is a crucial point in the processing of Provolone Valpadana PDO.

COAGULATION AND CURD: The cheesemakers use two kind of rennet: a liquif calf rennet for Provolone Valpadana "SWEET" (dolce) and a paste lambe or kid rennet for Provolone Valpadana "SPICY" (piccante).
The coagulation occurs around the temperature of 36-39°C and then this transformation produces the curd (italian "cagliata").
FERMENTATION: The cut curd, unlike other cheeses, must sit on tables for some hours to ripen and allow a sort of acidification or fermentation. When the right level is reached the paste is further cut and cooled.
Then the paste goes to the kneaders before of important phase of spinning.

SPINNING ("FILATURA"): This phase takes place in hot water allowing to the paste to change from grainy and uneven to fibrous, continuous and plastic.
The spinning process can be done by hand or with spinning machines.
MOLDING / COOLING : After the spinning the paste, still warm, is manually mold by hand or through special molds, depending on kind of shapes ans sizes.
Then are placed in running ice water to speed up the subsequent cooling and firming of the cheese.
SALTING: Then the "provolone" moves on to the brine salting stage for some hours to thirty days, depending by sizes and weights of each type.
TYING AND RIPENING : After salting, begins the ripening phase, preceded by tying with ropes, according to a typical traditional technique that always takes into account the shape and weight of the cheese.
The cheeses are treated to protect them from mould and mite attack.

Production area

The Provolone Valpadana is produced in the territories of some Northern regions as Lombardy (Cremona, Brescia, few municipalities in Bergamo province, Mantua and Lodi), Veneto (Verona, Vicenza, Padua and Rovigo), Trentino Alto Adige (many municipalities in Province of Trento) and Emilia-Romagna (Piacenza).


The Consortium for the safeguard and protection of Provolone was founded in 1975 with similar names during the years, until final "Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana" in 2002.

In 1996 the Provolone Valpadana obtained the P.D.O. (Protected Designation of Origin).


Provolone Valpadana is the eighth cheese in Italy for production volumes : about 7.400 t (1 t = 1.000 kg) after Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano, Gorgonzola, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, Pecorino Romano, Asiago, Taleggio.
The main export markets are Spain in Europe and Australia .

website consortium

Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana
Piazza Marconi, 3
26100 Cremona
Tel. 037230598


website: https://www.provolonevalpadana.it/en/



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