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Rice Nano Vialone Veronese PGI
Nano Vialone rice, Nano Vialone PGI rice,


The Nano Vialone Veronese P.G.I. rice is the result of a cross between two rices, Vialone and Nano, made in 1937.
It is one of the most loved types of rice by leading international chefs for its qualities. A rice that releases a lot of starch during cooking, therefore, excellent for risottos.

The grain is round, medium sized (6 mm), pearled with high amylose content, so it holds up very well when cooked.

The Vialone Nano Veronese is first rice in Europe to be awarded of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) reserved for its category.

Vialone Nero


Melotti - Isola della Scala (VR)


This rice is produced in soils whose clear resurgent waters - derived from limestone rocks - create a purely alkaline growing medium, unlike all other production areas in Italy.
The soils after some years (6) must be used with other crops for at least 2 years.
They must be perfectly flat through harrowing.
Plowing then creates the furrows. Fertilisation with the right amount of organic matter leaves the field ready for the water to run off.
The rice growers begin sowing in April and germination occurs in water; then the rice growers removes and introduces water to make the plant take root better in the ground.

ferron - rice farmers ancient family

Ferron - Isola della Scala (VR)


Production area

Nano Vialone Veronese P.G.I. rice is produces in the territory of Verone province in the municipalities of: Bovolone, Buttapietra, Casaleone, Cerea, Concamarise, Erbè, Gazzo Veronese, Isola della Scala, Isola Rizza, Mozzecane, Nogara, Nogarole Rocca, Oppeano, Palù, Povegliano Veronese, Ronco All’Adige, Roverchiara, Salizzole, Sanguinetto, San Pietro di Morubio, Sorgà, Trevenzuolo, Vigasio, Zevio.

Some producers

Riseria delle Abbadesse


Consortium for the safeguard of P.G.I. Riso Nano Vialone Veronese

The Corsortium was established on 1979. In 1996 Riso nano Vialone Veronese awarded the European P.G.I. denomination.

Via Vittorio Veneto, 4
37063 Isola della Scala (VR)
tel. +39 0813762753
email: info@risovialonenanoveronese.it
website: https://www.risovialonenanoveronese.it/eng/




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