Speck is a ham characterised by its intense aroma and flavour, which derives from the quality
of the meat but very much from the preparation that includes spices, smoking and curing in clean and cold environments. It is made using the ancient traditional meat processing.
Besides we can say that Speck is born by the union of two different traditions: In the mediterraneam method, the ham is drying with salt and air; in the Centre and North of Europe the ham is produced using salt, spices and smoke.
The differences between producers stem from small family secrets, but they all recognise the motto 'little salt, little smoke and lots of fresh air'.
Again, the peasant need to preserve meat throughout the year, and thus for a purely family purpose, has consolidated processing and preparation techniques that have been handed down over time.
Via Portici 71
39100 Bolzano
tel. +39 - 0471300381
email: info@speck.it
website:Corsortium of Speck Alto Adige